Faulty fire safety equipment found
Two landlords in Reading have been handed fines totalling £6000 after admitting to a number of safety breaches at a property.
Members from Reading Borough Council’s Private Sector Housing Team visited the property back in 2015 following complaints about the conditions there from tenants.
Inspectors found that the property, owned by Farooq Ahmed and Naseem Akhtar had inadequate fire safety provision, including a faulty smoke detector and a broke fire door.
The property also had no gas or electrical safety certificates, as well as no HMO licence.
The Council gave the landlords time to carry out remedial work and provide the required documentation but they failed to do so, which resulted in prosecution action.
Alison Bell, Reading’s Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services, said: “The private rented sector is an increasingly important source of housing for many of our residents in Reading and the council values the contribution made by well-managed and licensed houses in multiple occupation.
“Unfortunately, there are some landlords who fail to provide the quality of accommodation their tenants have a right to expect.
“This case demonstrates that the council is willing to act and get results when tenants come to us with concerns about the standard and safety of their private rented accommodation.”
Original source: Reading Borough Council