Three flats found to be dangerous
A Hull landlord has been fined over £1000 after an inspection at a property he owned revealed fire safety failings.
Mr David Reid, the owner of the three flats, was referred to Hull City Council’s private housing service after they found it failing to comply with fire safety precautions.
The council’ environmental health team found that the fire escape access for the flats was obstructed and in need of repair.
The council also said there was building waste in the front and back yards of the property that were a hazard.
Requests from the council to carry out improvement works were ignored.
Councillor John Black, Hull City Council portfolio holder with responsibility for housing, said: “There are legal responsibilities associated with renting out properties and landlords must be aware of them and ensure they fulfil their obligations.
As a council we have a legal duty to protect private sector tenants. “We will always work with landlords to resolve any failings before resorting to legal action.
However, if the landlord fails to make the property safe or ignores our intervention, which was the case (at this property), then we will prosecute. “I hope this prosecution will send out a message to landlords that they need to act within the law or face the consequences.”
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