Service issues warning after parking which could potentially have cost lives
West Midlands Fire Service were delayed from attending a house fire last week after double parking in a residential area.
The fire engine was called to a house blaze but were delayed after coming across some questionable parking.
This prompted WMFS to share an image of the incident online that urges drivers to think about how they park.
The statement with the image said: “This wasn’t just a fire engine out and about working in the community.
“This was a crew on their way to a house fire.
“Fortunately, everyone had managed to get out safely. But imagine if they hadn’t? Think before you park.”
The Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 now allows fire crews to “move or break into a vehicle without consent of the owner” in response to an emergency situation.
There were no consequences on this occasion but West Midlands Fire Services have urged car owners to think before they park.
Original source: Birmingham Mail